Westhampton Elementary School is located in a small rural community. Our staff is committed to education. We serve children in grades pre-kindergarten through grade six. Our basic premise is that learning is an active process shared by students and staff. This process takes many different forms with teachers serving as models. Content is important, but emphasis will also be put on the process, skill development, critical thinking, and problem solving will be actively taught and will include a variety of approaches. Students will be viewed developmentally, and instructional expectations will be based accordingly.
Staff endeavors to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where students feel comfortable developing responsibility as an active participant in the learning process. The majority of the time students of varying abilities will be working together in a supportive, cooperative environment.Students will respect others' opinions and share ideas, and each student will be a valuable, contributing member of the group. There will be a maximum amount of inclusion in the least restrictive setting. There will be considerable inter-grade involvement. Examples of the students' work will be displayed throughout the school, and building-wide themes and projects will be in evidence.